
Ayurveda Blog

FaLang translation system by Faboba


  • Días

    Mon-Fri: 7 am - 6 pm

  • Time

    1 to 2 hours / session

  • Mode


They are personalized sessions by video calls

Make an appointment

consulta médica ayurveda


  • Session cost (Argentine)

    $ 1000 (Argentine pesos) o 1200 (Mercado Pago)

  • Session cost (foreigners)

    € 30 - 40 USD

  • Way to pay

    bank transfer / Paypal or Mercado Pago

Patient Testimonials

Testimonios de Estudiantes

Make an appointment

I offer you a natural and healthy treatment that adjusts to YOUR possibilities and to YOUR MIND-BODY constitution. Save your shift, pay the fees, and then date and time will be set.

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