

consultas médicas en ayurveda
consultas médicas en ayurveda

Online care

The care provided to the patient is personalized and committed, where they try to solve the problem that afflicts them, with a warm and committed treatment.

The service of online, remote, through video calls, is a personalized service, from the comfort of your home, with a duration between 1 and 2 hours. This service arose because many patients contacted me while I was in India. Then, as an option, I began to offer attention through this modality, for those people, who for geographical reasons, could not be attended in person. The treatment is individualized, since, even, two people with the same pathology, symptom or ailment, will not necessarily require the same.

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Siempre recomiendo hacer un mínimo de 3 sesiones, para que puedas entrar en proceso y generar los cambios que quieras lograr. Además si tienes una enfermedad, probablemente en una sola sesión no podrás notar grandes cambios.

Hay muchas personas que consultan más de 3 veces cuándo necesitan mayor acompañamiento, o por alguna otra razón en particular. 

Recuerda, tu éxito en lo que deseas será también mi éxito¡

In these medical consultations proceeds in the same way as in those performed in outpatient clinics. The evaluation of the health problems of the person, are made from a physical, mental and spiritual perspective. During the care, a complete medical history is made, which includes everything from personal information to a detailed analysis of intake and lifestyle. With the information gathered, and together with the physical examination, complementary studies and / or consultations with specialists may be requested.

After a first encounter, a return is granted with Ayurvedic Diagnosis, a Treatment Plan is indicated and followed up. According to the pathology and the constitution of the individual, Nutritional treatment will include recommendations regarding: feeding, sensory suggestions, stress management, physical activity, mental harmony techniques, meditation and / or treatments with medicinal plants (with its form of administration and type/forms of preparation). If further consultations are necessary, they will be agreed upon in this first interview, in order to offer a continuous and complete treatment.

When the guidelines and recommendations proposed by Ayurveda are followed, the patient begins to experience an improvement in their symptoms or ailment, feels more energetic, more vital, the pains diminish, a decrease in weight occurs; Anxiety and nervousness also disappear. The patient's digestive system begins to function better, with disappearance of swelling and heaviness.

I offer you a personalized, responsible and serious medical attention, from the comfort of your home, without waiting long hours for a professional to attend you. In addition, once the session is finished, everything that was spoken orally will be sent in writing to the person's email. In turn, the patient will have the possibility of consulting about the treatment, food, types of cooking, doubts about the way of preparation of medicinal plants, bibliography and specific issues of the pathology of the person, using the different channels of communication (whatsapp, email).

  • I propose a natural and healthy treatment that fits your possibilities and your constitution MIND-BODY.
  • I will teach you how to take care of your health with natural and non-harmful tools for the body. I focus on YOUR health. That is my priority.
  • I promise not to refer you from doctor to doctor, I will not give you expensive treatments nor will I make you resort to me obligatorily.

The purpose of the treatment is to help and guide the person to have a connection with their body and environment in a more conscious way. That is why the treatment tries to generate lifestyle changes tending to an improvement of the state of health and to cure diseases or symptomatology. These changes in habits will depend on the patient's constitution, of his illness, and of his existential reality, adapting the treatment to his possibilities.

Ayurveda can alleviate or improve any of the following pathologies:

  • Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other joint diseases
  • Insomnia, depression, anxiety, and other diseases of the nervous system
  • Tumors and cancer
  • Diabetes, obesity and overweight
  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis and allergies
  • Infections
  • Alterations of the menstrual cycle
  • Diseases of the digestive system, such as constipation, diarrhea, gastritis and ulcers
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Diseases of the urinary system
  • Addictions
  • Diseases related to food

The payment of fees is made through Pay Pal. After receiving the payment, the patient is requested to send the voucher to the following email:
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The appointment will be reserved with the previous payment of the fees.

The patient must reserve his turn in the following link: appointment form
There, you can choose the date and then you will receive confirmation of it through your email. The medical consultation will be made on the date and time previously agreed by the patient within the following time slot: Mon-Fri: 7 am - 6 pm. Punctuality is requested at the chosen time!

Patient Testimonials

Make an appointment

I offer you a natural and healthy treatment that adjusts to YOUR possibilities and to YOUR MIND-BODY constitution. Save your shift, pay the fees, and then date and time will be set.

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