
Dosha's Test

Dosha's Test

The Doshas are the vital forces that are found in all things, and according to whether they are in balance or not, the state of health or illness will occur.

The Doshas are three; Vata, Pita and Kapha. The Knowledge of your corporal constitution or Prakriti, serves to know what habits it would be advisable that you begin to adopt, to be healthier.

In this questionnaire of 31 questions, you will be able to know your Prakriti or mind-body constitution. This one, is only orientative, but it can help you to know which is your dominate dosha. The most common is a bi-doshica constitution, with predominance in two types of doshas. The answers indicate whether it is Vatta (V), Pitta (P) or Kapha (K). The result tells you what proportion of the three Doshas has your Praktiri.

Once you know the result, you can find on the page those habits, both food and routines more favorable for each Dosha. We recommend that, before making an assessment, you adequately inform yourself about the Doshas and the science of Ayurveda. In case of illness, or bothersome symptoms, we recommend consulting a specialist.


  1. Body texture
    Skinny, poor muscle mass
    Provided, with defined muscle groups, medium structure
    Large, heavy and prominent body
  2. Body weight
    Thin. Under weight
    Generally overweight, they have a hard time losing weight
  3. Appetite
    Irregular. Eat little amount
    Important, the lunch hour is the one of greater hunger
    Moderate but constant
  4. Digestive Power
    Irregular. Tendency to constipation. Gases Abdomen Distended
    Strong. Daily and soft stools. Acidity tendency
    Slow digestion, heaviness after meals. Mucus in the stool
  5. Body temperature
    Preference for warm climates. Cold hands and feet
    Preference for cold climates
    Tendency to the cold. Humidity dislikes
  6. Dream a) Light. Irregular. Sleep a few hours. He wakes up at night
    Regular between 7 to 8 hours
    Heavy. I could sleep more than 8 hours. He wakes up drowsy
  7. Face a) Pale, protruding cheekbones, small black eyes
    Freckles, light eyes; greens, celestes or honey
    Large and attractive eyes. Big face
  8. Hair
    Dry, fine, dark, wavy, fragile
    Straight, fatty, blond, red. Trend to baldness or premature gray spot
    Strong, curly, lustrous, thick, wavy. All colors
  9. Sweating
    Scarce and variable
    Profusa and important
  10. Thirst
    scarce and variable
    profusa and important
  11. Reaction to stress
    Fear, fear, worry, anxiety
    Anger, anger, judge. Tendency to hyperexlect and demand.
    Attachment, jealousy, depression
  12. Mental characteristics
    Hyperactive, verborragic, initiates new activities, rarely ends them
    Moderate. Lover of work. They cost you the moments of leisure
    He prefers to be relaxed and lying down. It moves slowly
  13. Most common diseases
    General body pain (low back pain, joint pain) insomnia
    Frequent infections and inflammations, gastritis, blood disorders
    Edema, abundant mucous secretions, respiratory diseases
  14. Skin
    Aspera, dry, thin and cold. Dark skin
    Reddish, hot, greasy, freckles, acne, soft
    Cold and moist, thick, oily, pale complexion
  15. Teeth
    Protrusions, large, spacious, irregular, crooked, fine gums
    Medium, regular, yellow, sensitive gums
    Healthy, white, strong gums
  16. Nose
    Uneven shape, deviated septum, prominent nose
    Pimped nose, tip of the red nose
    Short and round, small
  17. Eyes
    Small, sunken, dry, active, black or brown, nervous. No shine
    Brilliant, gray, green, light eyes. Conjunctiva yellowish or reddish. Sensitive to light
    Large, beautiful, blue, calm, long eyelashes
  18. Nails
    Dry, rough, fragile
    Flexible, pink, glossy
    Thick, soft, glossy
  19. Lips
    Dry, cracked, dark brown tint
    Reds, medium size
    Soft, pale, fleshy
  20. Menton
    Angular and small
    Large, round, double
  21. Cheeks
    Wrinkled, sunken
    Thin, thin
    Round, stuffed
  22. Neck
    Fine and long
    Large and stuffed
  23. Chest
    Plane, sunken
    Average size
    Large, expanded
  24. Abdomen
    Thin, flat, sunken
    Large, stuffed
  25. Hips
    Slender, thin
    Large and heavy
  26. Joints
    Crunchy, outgoing and cold
    Average size
    Long, large and lubricated
  27. Preference for flavors
    Sweet, sour and salty
    Sweet, bitter and astringent
    Bitter, spicy and astringent
  28. Physical activity
  29. Intellect and memory
    Fast but usually gives wrong answers. Learn and forget quickly
    Accurate answer. Good memory. Intelligent
    Slow but accurate response. They have a hard time learning but they never forget
  30. Talk
    Fast, not clear, many associations
    Acute. They can be leaders
    Slow, dull and monotonous voice
  31. Your relationship with money is ...
    Poor Spend on "junk" things or do not need
    They spend money on luxuries
    Rich. Savers



Majority of A: Vata More info about Vata

Majority of B: Pita More info about Pitta

Majority of C: Kapha More info about Kapha

​​The Doshas


This information does not replace the consultation with a Professional. If you have or suspect having a disease, we recommend you consult your doctor.




It is the biological force of the air plus the ether, it is what gives movement. This Dosha is the motivational force, governs the balance and mental orientation, promotes adaptability and mental understanding. People with a predominant Vata Dosha are usually physically small, or very tall and thin, with irregular physical proportions. For example: small thorax with long legs, delicate face with pointy and large nose. They have dark hair, eyes and complexion. High cheekbones, sunken eyes. They have scanty subcutaneous fat that shows tendons and veins. Outgoing and crunchy joints. Low muscle mass They usually have dry skin, cold hands and feet. Preference for warm climates. At the digestive level, tend to have a tendency to constipation, abundant gas and bloating. Many times they forget to eat, drink fluids and respond to their natural urges, such as urination. On a mental level, they tend to be very hyperactive people, with high energy, verborragic. They are people who have trouble carrying stable routines, having regular schedules and activities. They have a lot of enthusiasm for the novelty, but because of their irregularity, they have a hard time finishing what they start. His dream is light 6 hours, usually wake up at 2-3 am, and have a tendency to suffer insomnia. They are very sociable, positive, energetic. In imbalance they worry easily, excessive fear and anxiety. By the Ayurvedic rule that the like increases the like, as Vata is air and ether needs everything that connects and anchors it to the earth. Should avoid:

  • The cold, wind, and take special care in this season (Autumn)
  • Its irregularity. The most favorable thing for this Dosha is to have routines, with regular schedules, respecting the moments of the meals.
  • The massage with oil, and the stimulation of touch greatly favors it.
  • Your diet should have a predominance of sweet, salty and acid flavors.
  • The food must be substantial. Raw salads are not advisable, nor green leafy vegetables without caloric intake.




It is the biological force that holds together two forces as opposed as fire and water. It is the energy that digests "Things". It is responsible for all metabolic transformations in the body, and is also responsible for mental digestion, perception of reality and understanding of it. The people with predominance in this Dosha, have a medium structure, a proportioned body, and a developed muscle mass. His eyes and hair are clear or red, with reddish skin and abundant freckles. They have an excellent digestive power, soft stools, important hunger. They have a preference for cold climates, and their body temperature is generally hot. Major sweating. They have great energy capacity. Moderate sleep In balance, they have clear objectives, they achieve their goals avoiding any type of obstacle that may come their way. They have difficulty in the enjoyment and in generating moments of leisure. They seem to waste time when they are not working. They have a tendency to anger, they are hypercritical and hyper-efficient, they judge with great ease. They have a hard time relegating tasks since they consider that nobody will do things as he / she does them. By the Ayurvedic rule that the like increases the like, like Pita is fire and water needs all activities that "cool" it. Should avoid:

  • Spicy, salty and acidic foods. You should avoid eating meats, fermented products and drinking alcohol.
  • Excessive work, without moments of relaxation. It favors leisure moments
  • Take special care during the summer months and very hot days.




It is the biological force that allows the union of the earth with water: it is the energy that holds things together. The Dosha Kapha provides substance and support, supports the tissues of the body. It also provides us with emotional support, and is related to the feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness and patience. People with predominance of this Dosha, have large body structure, with a tendency to overweight. In general, they have a hard time losing weight. Abundant subcutaneous cellular tissue. They have a big face, with a beautiful look, sensual and big eyes, full lips, hair and skin, humid and thick. Cold and humid body temperature. They are very routine people, they cost a lot of changes and perform new activities. They like to sleep a lot, between 8 and 9 hours, and also usually nap. The dream is often deep and heavy. His voice is thick and slow. They are people who perform activities slowly, have little energy. Its digestive power is slow, with heaviness after meals. When they are in balance they are loving, friendly and loyal. Their relationships are stable and lasting. In imbalance they become easily depressed, a tendency to greed, greed and attachment. By the Ayurvedic rule that the like increases the like, as Kapha is land and water, you should avoid:

  • The routine and physical inactivity. Sleeping many hours and napping > Oily, fried, hypercaloric, heavy and difficult to digest foods.
  • It encourages you to change your routine from time to time, and foods with a bitter, astringent and spicy flavor, avoiding sweet, salty and acidic foods.
  • Their most convenient food are raw salads, green leaves, regular physical activity.
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