
Ayurveda Blog

How do ayurveda massages help you for a more harmonious life?

A few days ago my partner gave me an Ayurveda massage. It was a very nice gift since I did not expect it. Also something that I really like about this type of massage, is that base oils and essential oils are used, so the aroma becomes super nice.

So,I came up with the idea of ​​telling you a little more about this type of massage. For Ayurveda, massage and stimulation through the skin are very important. In Ayurveda massage is known as Abyhanga and is part of the treatment of "pacing of symptoms" or shamana, along with another therapy called Svedana.

All people have the three DOSHAS but there is one that always predominates. The method used in Ayurvedic massage is to achieve the balance of the 3 doshas, so that the body heals and eliminates toxins.

The form of massage varies according to the person. Depending on the type of dosha, different types of massages will be performed with different speeds and pressures, and specific oils for each energy. These are medicinal oils, it is interesting that the body absorbs it to be able to effect healing functions.

Which oils are recommended according to each dosha?

  1. For VATA:sesame oil, almonds or castor (the 3 with heating properties)
  2. For PITTA:coconut and olive oils that are cooling
  3. For KAPHA it is best to massage with powders such as corn starch

Ayurvedic massages, as well as medicine, try to integrate the person into a harmonious unit: Body - Mind - Environment.

I think it is very important to create an environment that serves to nourish and help in the personal process of self-knowledge, and positively boost each one.

Sometimes in our lives, due to routines and overwork, it is difficult for us to disconnect and relax. We make excuses regarding time, family, commitments and many others, and in the last place is pleasure and reconnection with ourselves. Do these words resonate with you? If your answer is Yes, I recommend you approach this type of massage and experience it, in order to have a greater fullness.

My day of Ayurvedic massage in the spa!

Every human being is the author of their own health or disease.

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  • Días

    Mon-Fri: 7 am - 6 pm

  • Time

    1 to 2 hours / session

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  • Session cost (Argentine)

    $ 1000 (Argentine pesos) o 1200 (Mercado Pago)

  • Session cost (foreigners)

    € 30 - 40 USD

  • Way to pay

    bank transfer / Paypal or Mercado Pago

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