
Ayurveda Recipes

Vegan nutella

This cream based on hazelnuts and coconut milk will love it! It is ideal to accompany with some whole grain bread, in sweet pancakes or to put in your cakes. It is easy to make and contains no dairy or white sugar. Only nutrients suitable for your health. Enjoy it!


  • 1 cup of previously soaked hazelnuts
  • 1/2 cup almonds or nuts previously soaked
  • 60 ml of coconut milk (or other vegetable milk)
  • 15 gr. de cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons of agave syrup, or orange syrup (is the one I use)
  • To replace the syrup, you can use honey or sugar masquerade


  1. We place the nuts in a blender until they begin to release the oil and turn into butter. You have to liquefy them until there are no lumps and the butter is homogeneous.
  2. We add the coconut milk, the agave syrup and the cocoa.
  3. Mix with the blender. With the help of a spatula, we finish mixing the cream until all the ingredients are well integrated.

Place in a glass jar with lid and take it to the refrigerator, where it can last between 5 to 7 days!

Bon a petit!

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