
Ayurveda Recipes

Chocolate mousse, avocado, dates and banana


  • 200 g of ripe avocado
  • 40 g of dates without bone
  • 25 g of cocoa powder
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 50 g of dark chocolate
  • 1 orange
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence tea
  • 150 ml of almond milk or hazelnuts
  • honey
  • salt
  • red fruits and nuts to taste


  1. Remove the pulp from the avocado
  2. Melt the chocolate and cut the dates without bone
  3. Crush the avocado with the dates, add the cocoa, salt, vanilla, orange zest and a spoonful of orange juice, and stir well to mix the ingredients
  4. Incorporate banana and chocolate
  5. Add milk little by little
  6. Sweeten with honey if desired. It is necessary to obtain a totally homogeneous and creamy texture, without lumps
  7. Leave in the refrigerator for thirty minutes and serve with red fruits and nuts
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