
Ayurveda Recipes

Wok with quinoa and asparagus

yields 4 servings

Suitable dish celiacs and vegans


  • 300g of quinoa
  • 1 spoonful tea of fennel
  • 1 teaspoon tea of anise
  • 1 teaspoon tea of dried mint
  • 2 zucchinis
  • 1 teaspoon of corn starch
  • 2 tablespoons ground chia seeds
  • 150 g of asparagus
  • salt rock or marine


Cook the asparagus steamed or in a pot. In another pot add a little oil and cook for 1 minute the spices (fennel, anise and mint). Then add the zucchinis and cook. Wash the quinoa well (Leave it for a few minutes to soak, then rinse with plenty of water) and cook it for 10 or 15 minutes, or until you see the rings of it. Add the corn starch and chia seeds before cooking is finished. Remove from heat and add asparagus, salt and a little pepper. If you wish you can add other seasonings.

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